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Geranium Wlassovianum

Geranium wlassovianum is commonly known as Wlassovs Geranium and Wlassovs Cranesbill. This wild geranium plant belongs to the genus Geranium (Cranesbills). Geraniums, Pelargoniums (scented geraniums) and Erodiums are members of the Geraniaceae family.

Geranium wlassovianum is an herbaceous perennial plant that is native to central and eastern Russia, to Mongolia and to Northern China.

Like many other wild geranium species, this plants fits very well into a near-natural garden and is a superb food and nectar plant for many insects like butterfly, moths, bees, bumblebees, flies and others.

These plants are occasionally grown in gardens and parks. They are valued for their prolonged flowering, their undemanding growing habits and their pretty and bright autumn colours.

The wild plants have quite big, about 4 cm wide, attractive, dark violet flowers with clearly visible veins. The flowers bloom very long from late spring to August, September or even October. Cut them back after flowering and the plants will grow new flowers again!

They are good groundcover and bedding plants that are tough, versatile, undemanding and therefore, very easy to grow. The hairy foliage is dark greenish-brownish and turns to a striking, lovely red in autumn! Do not forget to cut back the stalks in autumn.

These cranesbill plants like to grow in sunny to half-shady places in any average garden soil. Keep the soil well drained and moist, but do not overwater the plants. They can grow from 0.5 m (20 inches) in height.

Only one cultivar exists:
G. wlassovianum 'Blue Star' – Flowers: lavender-blue.

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