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My Top 5 Perennials For Shade Gardens

So, what are my top 5 perennials for shade gardens?

There are many shade loving perennial plants. This article includes a little list of the top 5 perennial shade plants that I have chosen. Of course, these are my personal favourites, yet, I tried to choose common perennials that are undemanding, do not need much maintenance and are therefore very easy to grow and that also look gorgeous!

Gardening in the shade is a bit of a challenge but if done right it can be very rewarding! Why not give it a try! Tackle those shady spots in your garden!

These are the ones that I have chosen: Bleeding Heart Flower, Hydrangea Plant, Solomon’s Seal, Lenten Rose and Ferns.

Bleeding Heart Flower

This is another flower I adore since I was a child. The bleeding heart flower has a very romantic touch! Maybe it is a bit of an old-fashioned plant… I don't know, what do you think?

These are quite popular flowers around here. You can see them growing in shady gardens very often. Most of them have pink and white flowers. But every once in a while I see a pure white variety.

These are ideal flowers for cottage gardens!

Hydrangea Plant

This is a flowering plant that is covered with lush flowers! During blooming time you can barely see the green leaves. Most species have white flowers, yet the flower color can change.
I think this is very interesting: these plants can take up acid from the soil and the pH change in the plant causes the flower color to change! An acidic soil lead to flowers that are blue and an alkaline soil produces flowers that are pink.

Another Hydrangea plant is Hydrangea paniculata, commonly known as Panicled Hydrangea. This one is becoming more and more popular and I think I like it even slightly better than the common hydrangea, because the flowers are a lot less lush and compact and they are a lot more delicate!

Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum multiflorum)

Other common names: Davids Harp and Ladder to Heaven. I have always loved this plant! When I was a kid I loved to stroll around in the woods (well, I still do…). But when I was a child everything seemed to be much more intense and somehow sometimes mystic.

I always got excited when I found a Solomon's Seal in the forest. I do not know why. I kind of remember that I learned about this plant in school and in my scout group: it is a poisonous plant and it is protected. For those reasons never pick this plant….

The good news is that this plant is cultivated and can be bought at nurseries. They grow well in shady garden. And they are so special to look at. These little white flowers that seem to hang in pairs from the stem are so lovely!

Lenten Rose (Helleborus)

Other common names include: Hellebore and Christmas Rose Flower. The Lenten Rose is definitely one of my favourites! These flowers are very decorative! And the nice thing about them is: they bloom during winter and in early spring! They are surprisingly frost resistant!

The flowers have charming colors that range from off-white to a very dark, velvety red. The leathery foliage has an attractive green.

It is such an addition to have Lenten Roses in the garden! What an eye-catcher they are during the colder season. If you do not have them, why not take a chance?

They are excellent flowers for cottage gardens, just like the Bleeding Heart Flowers!


Ok, I admit, I could not decide which fern I love best. I just love them all! Ferns are ideal plants for shady and moist environments. The can grow quite big, depending on the species.

I think they all look so delicate. I love to take pictures of them. The structures of their leaves are fascinating.

I have vivid childhood memories of Ferns growing in forests, especially Common Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum). I always liked the tall trees with the bushy ferns growing underneath them. What a great place to play hide and seek!

Yep, those are my top 5 perennials for shade gardens! Yep, those are my top 5 perennials for shade gardens! Yep, those are my top 5 perennials for shade gardens! Yep, those are my top 5 perennials for shade gardens!

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